On Sat, 10 Jan 2009 10:04:31 -0800
Grant <emailgr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >> Does anyone know of a good (or OK) webmail client in portage that
> >> doesn't use PHP?  I use squirrelmail now but I have PHP installed
> >> only for that and I think PHP slows apache2 down a bit.
> >>
> >> - Grant
> >>
> >
> > I don't think you'll find anything faster except maybe written in
> > C, which is doubtful. The only other language you might find
> > webmail written in is Perl/CGI and that is definitely not faster in
> > my experience. PHP is about as good as you will get IMHO.
> I actually don't mean to speed up squirrelmail and PHP.  The main
> function of that system is to run a website in perl, and I thought I
> might be bogging down apache2 a bit just by opening it up to PHP
> interpretation (-D PHP).  Is that the case?  It would also be nice not
> to be exposed to PHP exploits.  It just seems kind of silly to
> maintain and run PHP just for webmail.

You could try running a second webserver instance for the webmail,
allowing the main one to run without PHP loaded.


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