Afternoon all,

I have mysql running on my workstation and on my local server, and I want to 
connect as an ordinary user from the workstation to the server; I can't. 
This is what happens:

$ mysql -p -h serv.ethnet
Enter password:
ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on 'serv.ethnet' (111)

The same thing happens if I try as root.

I can connect locally as myself or as root on either machine and manipulate 
tables in various ways. I haven't yet installed a firewall on either 

I've set DEBUG=4 in /etc/conf.d/mysql on both machines, but nothing shows up 
in /var/log/mysql/*; only some startup debug messages. I've run tcpdump on 
the server, which shows that one packet passes in each direction, followed 
immediately by a reverse lookup of the workstation being sent to the name 
server. I don't know why nothing happens after the name-service request is 
answered, but it seems to imply that the workstation is refusing the 
request itself rather than forwarding it to the server.

I can't see anything in /etc/conf.d/mysql or in /etc/mysql/* on either 
machine to restrict network access, so what have I missed?


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