Arttu V. <> [09-02-01 17:49]:
> Mr Cramer, you replied in private email, but your blacklist bounced/dropped 
> my 
> consequent reply. Replying on-list:
> On Saturday 31 January 2009 18:07:02 you wrote:
> > But emerge tolds me:
> >
> > emerge -pv rasqual
> >
> > These are the packages that would be merged, in order:
> >
> > Calculating dependencies... done!
> >
> > emerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy "rasqual".
> There is a typo: just drop the extra 'u'. It's just rasqal, like you used it 
> correctly here below:
> > while qsearch says:
> >
> > qsearch rasqal
> > dev-libs/rasqal library that handles Resource Description Framework (RDF)
> >
> > Before I screw up my system:
> > Is there something more fundamental damaged?
> This is the spot where I think FEATURES="buildpkg" should be
> mentioned. It will help you roll back the old binaries should
> something bad happen. It is mentioned on the list regularly by many
> posters, most of them more experienced with it than I am. :)
> Still, I don't think upgrading rasqal should cause major havoc. Worst
> thing that happened to this box was that openoffice and soprano wanted
> to be re-emerged. So just some automated extra compiling, no big deal
> for me. YMMV
> > Or does rasqal only exists as unstable ebuild (reading your posting
> > I would tend to answer this with "NO" ...
> 0.9.10 has been stable on Gentoo for nearly three years according to
> /usr/portage/dev-libs/rasqal/ChangeLog
> The newer versions have had some bugs reported, but they have been
> fixed. You can look them up in if you're worried.
> -- 
> Arttu V.

Hi Arttu !

Thank you very much for fixing my typos...! :O)
I have to clean my glasses again, I think ... ;)

Now the build succeeds.
Nevertheless, starting sonic-visualisers complains:

sonic-visualiser: error while loading shared libraries: 
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I cannot find libvamp-hostsdk.

Neither emergeing libvamp-hostsdk succeeds (no such package/ebuild)
nor qsearching  libvamp-hostsdk or libvamp or hostsdk
produces anything which I can use to detect the correct package
to emerge...

Kind regards
Meino Cramer

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