2009/2/3 James <wirel...@tampabay.rr.com>:
> Hello
> SATA or Eide on DVD rw choices (internal unit).
> Any cheap DVD rw that have success writing to
> the many forms of rw DVDS, that one
> would recommend?
> Any bands (plextor?) to avoid on gentoo?
> James

Hi James!
I use LG burners for every pc and I'm very happy with them. They seem
to be very compatible (at least they burned every DVD my friends
brought to me and they get trademarks that I never saw before...) and
also have good test results.

For the decision between S-ATA and IDE: I can recommend using S-ATA.
One reason is that most boards have got only one IDE Channel left,
second reason is the S-ATA cable is smaller though the air can pass
easier through the pc and third they start to be cheaper than the IDE

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