On Donnerstag 05 Februar 2009, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
> Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
> > On Donnerstag 05 Februar 2009, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
> >> Sebastián Magrí wrote:
> >>> The installation experience with the traditional method must be
> >>> mandatory... That's why I think we are better now that GLI is
> >>> deprecated...
> >>
> >> That's not good.  It hurts Gentoo's popularity if it's not easy to
> >> install.  But since there are not enough devs left for the GUI
> >> installer, not much that can be done.
> >>
> >> Gentoo isn't unsuitable for a GUI installer.  It's stage 3, after all.
> >
> > gentoo had its highest popularity when there were no gui installer (and
> > no stable tree). This kept the stupid ' I don't want to read docs' crowd
> > away.
> That's a contradicting statement. How was the popularity at highest if
> it kept a crowd away?

because it kept the 'i am too cool to read the docs' idiots away. Being forced 
to read the documentation is a good thing - and it did not hurt gentoo's 
popularity. Only after it started to catering to idiots and more and more of 
loud mouthed 'I am the centre of the universe, I don't need to read docs, use 
google or bugzilla. I demand an answer and help NOW' assholes came on board, 
the popularity went down.

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