2009/2/6 Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com>:
> Helmut Jarausch wrote:
> If you are booted off a Gentoo CD and possibly others as well, lspci -v
> can be a real good friend.  It will tell you what drivers are being used
> for what.  Then just find those in the kernel config and enable those.
> Dale
> :-)  :-)

lspci -v | wgetpaste (lspci -v with a pipe to wgetpaste) is also
great. (Don't forget to emerge it first if it isn't installed). Then
you only have to copy one link here which is easier if you have no
running xserver on the machine. But as the previous posters said:
There are different networking devices that are used on the mainboards
with the same chipsets so we need more information.

Maybe a precise name of the mainboard could also help but lspci -v is best.

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