Dirk Uys wrote:

> I have a problem when running doxygen from a cron job. It seems like
> doxygen is simply aborting at an arbitrary point during execution. I
> tried to search on the internet, but could not find anything similar
> reported.
> My cron entry is
> 45 * * * * /home/user/script.sh >> /home/user/debug.log

I would add a " 2>&1" to the cron entry in order to get stderr output 
logged, too. Maybe there are error messages you are missing.

My cron problems usually come from the PATH being restricted, anthough 
this shoudl not matter in your case with the script, I think. Anyway, I'd 
start it with "#!/bin/bash -l" in order to open a login shell, and I 
would include the "env" command in the script so I can spot differences 
in the environment.

Just some ideas,


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