>>>>> How can I find out whether I should be specifying TCP, UDP, or both
>>>>> for iptables (shorewall) config?
>>>> By knowing the application's protocol for which you write the rules
>>>> for :P [...]   So you have to research a bit to see if the
>>>> application uses TCP or UDP.
>>>  You can also have a look at /etc/services which lists the more
>>> common protocols and their ports.
>> Or even sniff the traffic and see which protocols are used.
>        You're going to miss stuff that way. Take for example a DNS server.
> Normally requests are UDP over port 53. However once your request exceeds
> 512 bytes TCP is used on port 53. That rarely happens and in fact many ISPs
> don't seem to be aware that this can happen.
>        Chances are you're going to find almost everything you need at
> http://www.shorewall.net/Documentation_Index.html which is going to far
> better than trying to cobble everything together yourself.
> kashani

Thanks, I'll take a look through there.

- Grant

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