On Saturday 07 March 2009 09:03:30 Roy Wright wrote:
> Howdy,
> Recently upgraded to kde 4.2.1 and noticed that lancelot is reported by
> top as 100% cpu.  Looking at system monitor - cpu settings plasmoid, it
> looks like 2 of the cores (quad core cpu) are optioning off at 100%.
> I'm curious if anyone else is seeing something similar?

Hi Roy,

By your wording I'd assume that Lancelot was fine with version 4.2.0? Are you 
having trouble with any other plasmoids? I get similar behaviour with some of 
the eye-candy compiz-style plugins, but Lancelot itself is solid (and vastly 
superior to that default menu thing).

It's unlikely to be plasma itself, I see very little reports about that. It's 
more likely to be X related or drivers or some such.

Please post back with details of your hardware, drivers, kde USE settings etc 

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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