On Monday 30 March 2009 13:19:26 Dale wrote:
> Alan McKinnon wrote:
> > His real problem isn't baselayout2 and openrc, it's named.
> >
> > named is notorious for crappy stupid behaviour when being stopped and
> > confusing the init scripts. It happens to me so often that now I tossed
> > out the init script and do it manually.
> >
> > One day when my country's currency is worth something I can afford ans
> > then I can get rid of named and it's start-up crap forever. It's still
> > the only service I ever have to use "zap" on
> I don't even know what named is but the zap option usually works for a
> lost service.  Sort of like a reset button.  I just wonder what would
> happen if it is really running when the zap option is used.  Start a new
> process I guess.  I guess ps would be a good friend then.

named is the BIND name server from the same guys as dhcpcd (and also vixie-
cron). It's a *reference* *implementation* of how a name server should work 
(it exactly 100% behaves just like the RFCs say), but as a name server in 
*production* it just sucks. It's extremely popular because it's free and just 
because life evolved that way but in real life it's the world's worst PITA to 

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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