Xav' a écrit :
On Tue, 31 Mar 2009 18:15:33 +0200, laurent <laur...@logiquefloue.org>

I'm following this how to:

after configuring courier-imap they say:
Start up your favorite mail client and verify that all connections you've started work for receiving and sending mail. Of course, you won't be able to log on to any of the services because authentication hasn't been configured yet, but it is wise to check if the connections themselves work or not.

I'm using mutt, saying there's no mailbox. Creating mailbox is done later in the how to.
What do they mean, how can I test if smtpd and pop3d work fine ?

They mean that you have to check with your client that
pop3/pop3s/smtp/imap/imaps connection are established with success.
You can do this with either telnet or netcat for pop3/smtp/imap protocol
and see if the server answer to the connection and with openssl s_client
for pop3s/imaps connection.



ks359684 ~ # telnet host.domain.com 25
Trying xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx...
Connected to host.domain.com.
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.

Does it means it's fine ?? :)


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