Thanasis wrote:
> on 03/27/2009 07:32 AM Dale wrote the following:
>> Thanasis wrote:
>>> You can also use the unalias command, eg:
>>> $ alias ls='ls -la'
>>> $ unalias ls
>>> (then it stays unaliased for the session until you alias it again,
>>> source .bashrc, etc...). 
>> It doesn't like that command here.  It may be that I have the alias set
>> up in my profile instead of using the command alias.  Does that matter?
> I don't think it matters.
> What does it say?

Well, I tried it again so I could paste the output here and it worked. 
I dunno.  At least it works now.  I guess you could do a source
/etc/profile to make it work again too.  May have to test that next. 
I'm sort of working on my car right now.  It not crank anymore.  :-( 

Thanks for the info.  Very neat.


:-)  :-) 

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