On 2 Apr 2009, at 23:00, Mick wrote:
On Tuesday 31 March 2009, Stroller wrote:

This command performs the scan:
nmap -PN -T4 -p139,445 -n -v --script=smb-check-vulns --script-args

Does this mean that if you have shut down ports 139 & 445 on the MSWIndows
machine Conficker cannot work?

I think that in that case Windows file-sharing (Samba) wouldn't work, either.

Not sure the full implications of this:

$ grep -e 139 -e 445 /etc/services
netbios-ssn     139/tcp                         # NETBIOS Session Service
netbios-ssn     139/udp
microsoft-ds    445/tcp         Microsoft-DS
microsoft-ds    445/udp         Microsoft-DS

I thought it was the Nintendo-DS.  ;)


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