> Was quite easy using "unetbootin", it's in the portage
> tree.
> There is also a MS Windows version of this tool.
> "emerge -va unetbootin"

Thanks Joost,

I did an emerge -pv unetbootin earlier but there were lots of blocks and masks 
plus it wants >100M downloads and I only get 2k from dialup here.

Didn't realize there was a Windows version. Better not wipe XP yet!

So I got this:


(3.5M)and pointed it at the iso. Did the deed and rebooted. Now it's telling me:

Loading /ubnkern
Invalid or corrupt kernel image. 

So I guess it's back to the Wifi Cafe to dawdle over my coffee for an hour 
while I download another. Better run the checksum this time -- if Xandros has 
the tool!


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