
>Did my etc-update and went to log into KDE.  No keyboard.  No
>mouse.  No nothing.  I knew the new xorg-server update was going to make
>me change a few things but I thought I would be ABLE to change the


Today 'emerge --sync' followed by 'emerge -uDN world' changed my xorg to
1.5. After 'startx' i had my usual icewm screen but no working mouse or

>I had to unplug the computer then add softlevel=boot to get to
>where I could even fix the stupid thing.

I preferred ssh from another computer. ;)

>While I was trying to recover and reading, it appears I have to update
>my kernel for this thing to work.

That depends. Look in 'sudo make menuconfig' at Device Drivers->Input
device support for Event interface. If available and unchecked, select
it and recompile your kernel.

I had done so because it was mentioned in the 'Xorg 1.5 Upgrade Guide',

Wasn't enough, though.

----- Xorg.0.log -----
(EE) Failed to load module "evdev" (module does not exist, 0)

But 'modprobe evdev' succeeded. *g*

After pulling out some hairs and examining 'emerge -pv xorg-server'
closer i changed

----- /etc/make.conf -----
INPUT_DEVICES="keyboard mouse"


----- /etc/make.conf -----
INPUT_DEVICES="keyboard mouse evdev"

and recompiled xorg-server. Now i had working mouse and keyboard under X.

Then i noticed that my german keyboard layout was gone. The Upgrade
Guide was not very clear in this point. At least for me.

Time for a break, so i decided to disable hal for a while, drink some
coffee and smoke some pipes. ;)

----- /etc/X11/xorg.conf -----
Section "ServerFlags"
  Option "AutoAddDevices"  "false"

Now i have commented out these lines because i found a way for my german
keyboard layout. Hm, just noticed that i have also to do something for
my compose key. Sigh.


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