Philip Webb wrote:
> For the record, in case anyone else runs into this,
> following the Gentoo Upgrade Guild, I chose course (2) to deal with HAL,
> ie I compiled 'USE="-hal" emerge xorg-server'.
> I encountered  3  problems.
> (1) xf86-video-intel-2.6.3-r1 failed to compile
> with a message implying lack of a file 'xf86dri.h' :
> since I'm using an Nvidia card, not the Intel chip on the mobo,
> that seems not to be relevant for my needs.
> (2) after rebooting & entering 'startx', I got a 'no screen' error,
> which was solved by commenting out the line incl "RgbPath" in  xorg.conf .
> (3) when X finally started, my mouse didn't work: oh no ! --
> first, I followed the 3rd course from the Upgrade Guide
> & add 'Option "AutoAddDevices" "false"' to  xorg.conf
> (it shouldn't be needed if you follow course (2) above);
> that didn't change anything, so I looked at my handwritten list
> of the pkgs I had installed, which I had numbered as usual,
> & noticed that 'xf86-input-mouse' was compiled before 'xorg-server':
> had the former failed to notice '-hal' used with the latter ? --
> so I recompiled the mouse module & now everything is working as it should.
> Yet again, I was helped by NOT doing a blanket 'emerge world',
> but compiling (groups of) pkgs individually & making a note of what I did.
> Also, I could see what was going wrong & fix it much more easily,
> as I don't boot straight into X , but to a raw console first.
> Finally, it helps (if you use KDE) to enable keypad cursor movements,
> tho' I didn't find out how to emulate a mouse click that way.
> HTH & comments welcome.
Thank you, Philip.  Your suggestions worked perfectly for me on an amd64


John P. Burkett
Department of Economics
University of Rhode Island
Kingston, RI 02881-0808

phone (401) 874-9195

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