On Thu, 23 Apr 2009 08:59:50 +0200, Morten Holt <th...@t-hawk.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Allan Gottlieb wrote:
>> At Wed, 22 Apr 2009 12:18:58 -0400 Allan Gottlieb <gottl...@nyu.edu>
>> wrote:
>>> For some reason printing from firefox has stopped working.
>>> When I ^P or file-->print and select a printer (there are two),
>>> the "print" button is greyed out.  With "print to file", the button is
>>> live and the pdf file is successfully created
>>> I can print via lpr.
>>> If, in firefox, I goto localhost:631 (the cups home page on this
>>> machine),
>>> I can print test pages to either machine.
>>> Is there a way I can ask firefox to tell me why the print button is
>>> greyed out?
>> Some further information.
>> Evince has the same situation, "print" is greyed out.
> Sounds like the same issue I have, do you get log entries like:
>       Request from "localhost" using invalid Host: field "::1"
> in /var/log/cups/error_log?

For this error, it's because you have an entry ::1 (equivalent for in IPv6) for localhost in your /etc/hosts.
To solve, either remove the ::1 localhost entry in /etc/hosts, or add ipv6
use flag to cups.

> If you find a solution to this, please let me know here, I can't seem to
> find a solution to the issue, and appearantly nobody has any ideas.
> - --
> Morten 'T-Hawk' Holt
> In the joy of anticipation there's the anticipatory
> letdown of anticipating not anticipating anticipation
> of some future anticipation.
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