On Sun, 26 Apr 2009 12:35:46 +1000
Adam Carter <adam.car...@optus.com.au> wrote:

> I have 800x480 resolution, but with the touchscreen the pointer is clumsy to 
> use. I need something that has large buttons, and will re-size dialogue 
> windows so that the buttons at the bottom still fit on the window. Any 
> suggestions?

Some tiling WM like "awesome", prehaps?
It will fit everything on your screen, without overlapping or hiding
anything behind it's bounds.

But it won't make buttons any larger, since it's not a WM business to
meddle in windows/widgets contents, only their composition.
You should have better luck tweaking GTK/QT settings, since pretty much
every button is drawn using a standard widget from one of these two.

Mike Kazantsev // fraggod.net

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