On Thu, 2009-04-30 at 14:44 -0500, Dale wrote:
> I try to keep a "up to date" stage 4 tarball here in my system just in
> case.  I basically did the creation just like I would if I were booted
> from the CD.  I created /mnt/gentoo/ on my system, extracted a stage 3
> there, then chroot in and create a stage 4 tarball.  I have one weird
> thing tho that has me confused.  When it creates the stage 4 tarball, it
> is in /mnt/gentoo.  Today I unpacked the stage 4 so that I could update
> it and when I do a tar xjpf stage4 -C /mnt/gentoo, it actually looks
> like this, /mnt/gentoo/mnt/gentoo/ which is not what I am looking for. 
> It doesn't matter on a running system, but it would if I were trying to
> rescue myself.
> How do I tell tar when I am making the tarball to look at /mnt/gentoo/
> as it start point, root directory if you will?  I read the man page but
> suspect I am missing it somewhere.  There has to be a way since it is
> done that way for the stage 3 tarball.
I do just
# cd /mnt/gentoo
# tar cjpf /somewhere/gentoo4.tar.bz2 .
                                          ^ dot @ the end!

Which produces a tarball containg everything under "." - which is the
CWD -> ./bin ./boot ...and so on.


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