Neil Bothwick wrote:
On Sun, 10 May 2009 18:57:28 +0100, Matt Harrison wrote:

I'm wanting to try gentoo on my eeepc 900, but I'm failing at some very basic level. I've got an external CD drive attached and booted from the current i686-2008 minimal cd. Unfortunately this doesn't work with the wired or wireless network devices so I'm unable to grab the stage3 and portage tarballs.

That CD is too old, either use one of the snapshots or something like
eexubuntu to install Gentoo.

Ah ok, I had totally forgotten there are the snapshots. I'm getting a new image that's less than a month old now. Hopefully it will have a more recent kernel.

I was going to put them on a CD then work on the network stuff later with a more recent kernel, then I realised that the SSDs in use won't really like compilations being done (apart from it being achingly slow on this processor).

SSDs use wear levelling, so they aren't subject to the same write
restrictions as more basic flash devices. But if you're still nervous
about this, point PORTAGE_TMPDIR to a USB or SD device. I've been running
Gentoo on my Eee for a year,running ~x86 so plenty of compiling, and no
noticeable problems with the SD card I use for PORTAGE_TMPDIR.

As for compilation times, I was pleasantly surprised. It's not fast, but
a lot faster than I expected.

You've just about swayed me. I'll use an old usb stick for the PORTAGE_TMPDIR and maybe use distcc if it seems to help.

The only other thing I was thinking about is: If the appropriate drivers for this eee900 are indeed in the 2.6.28 series, can you provide pointers to the locations of necessary options? I have read here and there that I need to use the athk(?) driver for wireless, and there is such thing as the eeepc_laptop module, but I have no idea about configuring a kernel for them.

Much appreciated.


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