On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 1:53 PM, maxim wexler <bliss...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> > > ifconfig wlan0 up
> > >
> > > iwlist wlan0 scan reveals the network name, the chan.
> > >
> > > iwconfig wlan0 essid "Network Name"
> > >
> > > iwconfig wlan0 chan 1
> > >
> >
> > dhcpcd wlan0 should sort this.
> >
> It did, thanks Neil! Now, can you point a way forword? My eeepc is strictly
> bare bones, for now, no X, haven't even written make.conf yet.
> There's some interesting stuff re: gentoo on eeepc on the eee forum but
> it's rather dated. Can you suggest some sort of wiki or?

Hi Maixm-

I have just (first full boot with X this morning, actually) gotten my wife's
eeePC 900A switched over to Gentoo. I have a full install with kernel
2.6.29, X (1.6.1), Intel drivers (with DRI2, enabling *very* smooth and fast
compositing), full KDE 4.2.3, WiFi and Wired ethernet, Firefox, Openoffice,
NetworkManager, and all the usuals, all in a 2.7GB disk footprint, and
without doing any compiling on the eeePC itself (I used my Core2Duo ~amd64
Gentoo box to do all the heavy lifting, then made a bootable 4GB SD card
with the resulting FS - will move over to internal 4GB SSD once I've put the
final touches on it). I have full eeePC hotkey support (except for an issue
I've found with the rfkill (Wifi radio on/off) functionality - the HW (PHY)
refuses to power back up once it's turned off. I believe it was working in
the original Xandros, so I'll probably be doing some kernel hacking to get
it working). If you would like, I can take some time this weekend and write
up how I went about doing it and post it - interested?


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