On Tue, 19 May 2009 14:38:21 -0700 (PDT)
maxim wexler <bliss...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> When the portage2paludis script completes it says I need to create 
> /var/db/pkg/.cache...

If you enable caching, you'll have to create '.cache' subdir (default
name) in every used repository.

>...and directories beneath it named after /etc/paludis/repositories.

AFAIK it shouldn't ask such a thing, prehaps you read it wrong?
All you need to do is to create a conf for /usr/portage and all the
overlays you have in /etc/paludis/repositories, one for each, plus one
for 'installed' repository at /var/db/pkg.
In fact, portage2paludis should've done it for you, but you better
check that every conf is correct, especially sync urls.

> Under /etc/paludis/repositories there are gentoo.conf, installed.conf and 
> layman.conf. 
> Question: are these new dirs named gentoo OR gentoo.conf and so on for the 
> other two?

You only need the dirs, specified in respective conf.
gentoo.conf, created by po2pal script probably contains /usr/portage,
and there should be /var/db/pkg in installed.conf, so you should have
these already, but in order to use cache, you'll need to create
'.cache' subdirs inside.

Mike Kazantsev // fraggod.net

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