--- On Sat, 23/5/09, Jorge Morais <please.no.spam.h...@gmail.com> wrote:

> From: Jorge Morais <please.no.spam.h...@gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] ARGH I uninstalled python
> To: gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org
> Date: Saturday, 23 May, 2009, 8:55 AM
> > Thank you! Thank you! Thank
> you!
> > 
> > I followed this
> > 
> > http://blogs.pwmn.net/korkakak/2008/06/04/gentoo-i-unmerged-python-now-what
> > 
> > which worked - in the end. couple of caveats tho for
> anyone 'that follows' get python from their site as the ftp
> link in this article is out of date.
> > 
> > http://www.python.org/download/releases/
> > 
> > also I initially tried 3.01 and that didn't work so i
> installed 2.6.2 which worked 'out of the box' i then tested
> with 'emerge' and am now running 'emerge -va python' 
> > 
> > Cheers guys!
> > 
> > Thanks to Dale too!
> Glad it worked.
> But, I don't know what will happen when the properly
> emerged python
> overwrites the manually installed Python.
> Does anybody know if the manual python install is
> "slotted", in the sense
> that it installs files in /usr/lib/python2.6,
> /usr/include/python2.6, etc?
> If it isn't, and Portage installs a slotted Python, the old
> files wouldn't
> be overwritten.
> And even if it is, the differences between the
> differently-configured and
> super-patched new python and the vanilla old python could
> result in
> a different set of file names, so it is possible that the
> old python
> will not be totally overwritten by the portage-emerged
> python.
> If I were you, I would at the very least read the log
> (specially its tail)
> of the python emerge (emerge logs normally go to
> /var/log/emerge).
> And you did log the files installed by the manual python
> install,
> didn't you?
> And why did you try python 3.01 first? You should try a
> similar vesion to
> what you were previously running. And specifically python
> 3.01 is crazy,
> as it is widely known that it is *not* compatible with
> python 2.x software.
> And did you properly uninstall python 3.0.1?
> Also, I didn't like the instructions in this blog very
> much.
> Wouldn't it be more appropriate to configure python like
> portage would?
> For example, in my system, where the last python install
> was
> dev-lang/python-2.5.4-r2  USE="ncurses readline ssl
> threads xml -berkdb -build -doc -examples -gdbm -ipv6
> -sqlite -tk -ucs2 -wininst"
> the configure line was (from the log)
> ./configure --prefix=/usr --host=i686-pc-linux-gnu
> --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info
> --datadir=/usr/share --sysconfdir=/etc
> --localstatedir=/var/lib --with-fpectl --enable-shared
> --disable-ipv6 --infodir=${prefix}/share/info
> --mandir=${prefix}/share/man --with-libc=
> --enable-unicode=ucs4 --with-threads
> --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu
> Maybe it would  be nice to install python to 
> /usr/local (I'm not sure),
> but if you are going to install it in /usr (like portage),
> I think you
> might as well use the same configure line portage would.
> And if you wanted to be really clean, you could apply the
> patches that
> portage applies.
> And most importantly,
> *was this necessary*?
> Couldn't he have emerged python by invoking
> ebuild
> /usr/port/usr/portage/dev-lang/python/python-2.6.2.ebuild
> merge
> ?
> This would do everyting correctly.
> And wouldn't it work without Python, since it is written in
> Bash?
> AFAIK, what needs Python is the high level interface to the
> portage
> system, while the low-level interface only needs Bash (but
> I'm
> totally not sure).
> And finally, couldn't he have gotten a binary package from
> http://tinderbox.dev.gentoo.org/default-linux/x86/dev-lang/
> ?

As it happens it didn't work after all. The emerge broke it again and i got an 
error from python.

All of your advise here is fantastic and i urge anyone that follows to do as 
you suggest - but i didn't fully uninstall either python install and i plan to 
just leave them minding their own business (hopefully) as i cant be bothered to 
track all the files down. 

Your final line suggestion to use ebuild worked - although i had to change the 
path. I am running emerge -va python a and it had the same effect as install 
from wget and then emerging it. I get

  File "/usr/bin/emerge", line 41
    except PermissionDenied, e:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Any clues here?

N: Jon Hardcastle
E: j...@ehardcastle.com
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