Alan McKinnon wrote:
> On Monday 08 June 2009 13:45:38 KH wrote:
>> econti schrieb:
>>> Hi all
>>> my to-day "world" is the one attached. I am just a little bit confused.
>>> Can anyone explain to me what's happening? :-(
>>> Thanks
>>> emilio
>> Also there is some qt stuff going on:
>> [blocks b     ] <x11-libs/qt-script-4.5.1 ("<x11-libs/qt-script-4.5.1"
>> is blocking x11-libs/qt-phonon-4.5.1, x11-libs/qt-assistant-4.5.1,
>> x11-libs/qt-opengl-4.5.1, x11-libs/qt-svg-4.5.1-r1, x11-libs/qt-dbus-4.5.1,
>> x11-libs/qt-xmlpatterns-4.5.1, x11-libs/qt-test-4.5.1,
>> x11-libs/qt-gui-4.5.1,
>> x11-libs/qt-qt3support-4.5.1, x11-libs/qt-sql-4.5.1,
>> x11-libs/qt-core-4.5.1, x11-libs/qt-webkit-4.5.1)
>> looks like there have been changes in some way.
> Recent portages should resolve that automagically - my ancient desktop did it 
> successfully over the weekend

Mine sorted that out too.  I hated that download tho.  11 hours worth of
it.  Jeez,


:-)  :-) 

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