Maxim Wexler schrieb:
> On 6/11/09, Paul Hartman <> wrote:
>> On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 1:14 PM, Maxim Wexler<> wrote:
>>> Hi group,
>>> Been tracking down other's kern config for 900A w/ N270 Atom cpu and
>>> notice, so far, everyone goes for CONFIG_SMP=y. Why, particularly when
>>> most commenters stress keeping the kernel as slim as possible?
>>> In the <help> window we have 'If you have a system with only one CPU,
>>> like most personal computers, say N.' As far as I know the 900A has
>>> only one CPU, unless there is some sort of virtual one I haven't heard
>>> of yet.
>> Does the CPU have multiple cores? If so, that's probably why.
> hmm, when I %cat /proc/cpuinfo I get processor :0 at the top of a list
> of stuff then, just below that, processor :1 at the top of an
> identical list.
> Are those two cores? I think CONFIG_MCORE2=y is recommended for the
> Atom. Does MCORE2 mean 'two cores' or 'core no.2'? The <help>
> window(under Symmetric multi-processor support) says nothing about
> 'cores'  Are 'cores' and 'cpus' the same thing in this context?
> Well, this has taken me all morning and half the afternoon and I
> haven't even started 'Power management...' options yet. I'll just say
> 'yes' to SMP and carry on. Hopefully have the definitive answer  by
> midnight and I can make the darn kernel.
> mw
> mw

The N270 (as well as any other 2xx Atom) has one core. However, it
supports HyperThreading which produces that second entry in /proc/cpuinfo.

For this, you need SMP as well as SMT (an option which you will only see
when SMP is enabled).

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