On 12 Jun 2009, at 20:59, Harry Putnam wrote:
For something like this it seems way overkill to have a separate
custom /usr/local/portage where I build my own.  Especially since I
find that whole process difficult and way overkill for this problem.

Further its something that will almost certainly be fixed soon and
won't be something I have to attend to again.

If you think that's the case then just mask the current version of procmail in /etc/portage/package.mask & remerge procmail. An older version without this bug will be installed & when an updated version is available portage will install it automagically.

I consider /usr/local/portage to be essential, because there's most always a package or three on my systems which I can't get through the regular tree, or which i wish to version bump myself. I don't consider this a hassle because I could create the updated ebuild with patch in a few minutes.

Because I most always check some reference resources when I do this, I can't quickly explain to you how to maintain this tree yourself. I think the time it would take you to learn this would be well-spent, as I'm sure you'll eventually need to use a /usr/local/portage package again in the future. Like I say, once you know how, it becomes easy. But if you consider it a hassle, just mask the buggy version of procmail & forget about the problem.


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