I don't know if it is from kernel 2.6.30 or if something else changed,
but my keyboard does not behave as normal. It seems like the "key up"
signal from the previous key is causing the repeat of the current key
to get interrupted. This happens everywhere, not only in X, but in
console as well.

For example, try this: Type some text, like
cursor will move to the left until you release the key. Now try to
hold the right arrow after you've already been holding the left arrow.
It will start to move to the right. Previously, it would continue
moving to the right after you released the left arrow. Now, the
keyboard repeat STOPS once you release the PREVIOUS key. So, in other
words, the repeating of the right arrow is stopped when I release the
left arrow... which causes the cursor to stop, and causes me to become
aggravated. :P

Has anyone else noticed this? I hope it's not a new "feature" :) Maybe
later tonight I'll try to go back to 2.6.29 and see if this truly was
the thing that brought on this change.

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