On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 9:13 AM, Kevin O'Gorman<kogor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 7:57 AM, Paul
> Hartman<paul.hartman+gen...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 9:31 AM, Kevin O'Gorman<kogor...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I tried that Adobe site in FF on gentoo and ubuntu with the same
>>> non-result.  On Vista, I tried FF, Opera, Safari and IE 8, with varied
>>> forms of failure.  Interestingly, Opera at least offered to start
>>> inkscape to view the image, which succeeded.  The text on that image
>>> suggested it's specific to an adobe plugin -- which it plugs of
>>> course.
>>> Does somebody have a web page with SVGs that normal browsers with
>>> non-proprietary plugins/viewers _can_ view?
>> http://www.w3schools.com/svg/svg_inhtml.asp
>> This page has examples of 3 ways to do it (you should see blue
>> rectangles if SVG is rendering). All 3 examples work for me in Firefox
>> 3.0.11, Seamonkey 1.1.16, Opera 9.64, Konqueror 4.2.3 and Safari 4
>> (all on Windows). Internet Explorer 8, naturally, requires a plug-in
>> to view SVG.
> On Linux, my FF showed only the embed version, and that only after I
> got "NoScript" to stop blocking it.
> I wonder what's different on my system.  Oh, and svg was enabled all along.

After having success with every browser (but IE) on Windows, here's my
test results with the same browsers on Linux:

SeaMonkey 1.1.16 - all 3 worked

Firefox - Embed and Iframe work, but Object does not

Konqueror 4.2.4 - all 3 worked

Opera 10 beta - Embed and Iframe work, but Object does not.

I think the reason why Opera and FF do not work in "Object" mode is
because the example on the w3schools website is wrong. They use the
"codebase" attribute as the "download location for the plug-in" but
the HTML specs say "This attribute specifies the base path used to
resolve relative URIs specified by the classid, data, and archive
attributes." So, in other words,  FF and Opera are trying to load
"http://www.adobe.com/svg/viewer/install/rect1.svg"; which does not
exist, resulting in no blue rectangle. I'd be willing to bet both of
these browsers would work with an Object-tag-embed SVG given a
properly-formed example.

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