
Am Thu, 18 Jun 2009 12:31:09 +0200
schrieb Alex Schuster <wo...@wonkology.org>:
> I have a problem with umlauts in file names. They are working fine
> when I create a file, but I have lots of files I moved from my former
> system that show umlauts just as a question mark. I think I
> transferred them via NFS.
> I have lang=de_de.u...@euro set now, before it was unset. Those
> umlaut files refuse to play in applications like amarok2. I can
> rename them with mv on the command line, making use of tab
> completion, but it's annoying.
> So, does anyone have a trick to automate this?

Use app-text/convmv.


Probleme kann man niemals mit derselben Denkweise loesen,
durch die sie entstanden sind.

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