In <> (Dirk Heinrichs) writes:
>--nextPart1582325.iDhiksPzNm >Content-Type: text/plain; > charset="utf-8" >Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable >Content-Disposition: inline >Am Samstag 20 Juni 2009 18:10:20 schrieb Konstantinos Agouros: >> >Naming makes the order irrelevant. >> >> How so? >Because you no longer have eth0 and eth1 which may be one or the other NIC= >=20 >depending on module load order or in which order the kernel discovers the=20 >NICs. >Look at my example rules again: Each interface is identified by its MAC add= >ress=20 >and given a unique name. Since the MAC addresses never change, the names wi= >ll=20 >also stay the same, regardless of module loading order or interface discove= >ry=20 >order. Well I do not get to that since the modules are loaded in the wrong order. My problem is before these rules apply. Konstantin >HTH... > Dirk >--nextPart1582325.iDhiksPzNm >Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name=signature.asc >Content-Description: This is a digitally signed message part. >-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- >Version: GnuPG v2.0.11 (GNU/Linux) >iD8DBQBKPSJY8NVtnsLkZ7sRAg7/AJ9NCyaKEu6/1WAr2G9F3uI/i5iuIgCghgbU >DuumeUViwvCvhsvNV52l/sE= >=rG32 >-----END PGP SIGNATURE----- >--nextPart1582325.iDhiksPzNm-- -- Dipl-Inf. Konstantin Agouros aka Elwood Blues. Internet: Otkerstr. 28, 81547 Muenchen, Germany. Tel +49 89 69370185 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Captain, this ship will not survive the forming of the cosmos." B'Elana Torres