On 22.06.2009 13:02, Marcin Niskiewicz wrote:
> I noticed that when someone makes an error in master.cf
> <http://master.cf> (for example write anything at the beginning of the
> file) and then restart postfix there is a problem:
> postfix is stopped (that's ok), then it should be started but it isn't
> (in log something like
> postfix/master[1649]: fatal: /etc/postfix/master.cf <http://master.cf>:
> line 4: bad transport type:
> ==========================================================================)
> and there is no error shown on console ( echo $? - shows 0 )
> and then when we try to restart (or start) postfix again - we can't -
> unless we delete /var/lib/init.d/started/postfix file (it's not deleted
> while restarting)
> is it a bug or we're doing sth wrong?!

Postfix init script just calls postfix(1) which calls postfix-script
which calls master(8).  Exit codes do not get back to the terminal.

Use postfix status to check whether the mail system is running.


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