On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 5:29 PM, Nikos Chantziaras<rea...@arcor.de> wrote:
> On 06/24/2009 03:06 AM, Mark Knecht wrote:
>> [...]
>> Family gets no MythTV for a few days, or maybe forever?
>> I'm trying to mask things to check this and emerge is really mad at me.
> As a last attempt at damage control, try the full update anyway.  Remove
> "fglrx" from VIDEO_CARDS and replace it with "radeon" (I assume you have a
> Radeon card?)  Delete /etc/X11/xorg.conf and see what happens.  Maybe the
> recent xorg driver for Radeons supports the S-Video port of your card
> correctly.  At least that's what I'm seeing while googling for
> "xf86-video-ati S-Video".

My, you are an optimistic fellow! OK, that's an idea, but I'll wait
and do a little more browsing on the subject. All the threads I'm
finding in Google start off with this feature NOT working.

I think I'd do better to create some sort of personal overlay - over
which I know little about - and try to get the files I need in there,
as there is no guarantee that anything new supports this requirement.

Of course, if I had a job and earned money then I could solve the
problem that way, but I'm out of work, broke and cannot even think
about going down that path.

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