On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 9:47 AM, Paul
Hartman<paul.hartman+gen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 12:04 AM, Roy Wright<r...@wright.org> wrote:
>> Howdy,
>> On ~x86 did the upgrade to qt 4.5.2 and get the following message:
>> "After a rebuild or upgrade of Qt, it can happen that Qt plugins (such as Qt
>> and KDE styles and widgets) can no longer be loaded. In this situation you
>> should recompile the packages providing these plugins...
>> "Packages that typically need to be recompiled are kdelibs from KDE4, any
>> additional KDE4/Qt4 styles, qscintilla and PyQt4..."
>> Then followed the link on the plugins which stated:
>> "The Qt library and all plugins are built using a build key. The build key
>> in the Qt library is examined against the build key in the plugin, and if
>> they match, the plugin is loaded. If the build keys do not match, then the
>> Qt library refuses to load the plugin."
>> So how do I find all the installed qt plugins on my system and check their
>> build keys?
> From a couple minutes of poking around:
> strings /usr/lib/qt4/libQtCore.so | grep Build.key
> strings some-other-file | grep buildkey
> Which comes back with seemingly everything build against Qt4... But I
> don't know how to tell which ones qualify as a "plug-in"...
> Typically when I rebuild Qt4 I also rebuild kdelibs, PyQt4, and my
> themes... in my case that is gtk-engines-kde4, gtk-engines-qt, and all
> qtcurve packages. Seems to work for me.

After a little more research, it looks like Qt maintains its own
version-specific plug-in cache that lists the plugins and the build
keys in the ~/.config/Trolltech.conf file (which appears to be an
INI-style format). More info about accessing it via Qt here

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