On Sat, Jul 04, 2009 at 04:22:59AM +0200, Penguin Lover Jes?s Guerrero squawked:
> On Sat, July 4, 2009 03:58, Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
> > On Samstag 04 Juli 2009, Jes?s Guerrero wrote:
> >
> >
> > I don't filter anything. Just default metalog with default settings.
> I use sysklogd, that shouldn't matter much though. 

It may matter quite a bit, actually. I use metalog on my
server/desktop and syslog-ng on my laptop. metalog, by default,
rotates logs fairly aggressively. It the log file hits 1MB (by the
gentoo default setting) it gets rotated with a new datestamp. 

This computer has been running gentoo for close to 7 years now and I've 
never once need to clearn out log files processed by metalog (I do have 
to clean out elogs and apache logs [when I had a web server running] 
every once in a while). 

The one time I ran into kernel trouble on my laptop, however, boy, was
I glad I had /var on a separate partition. 


"Getting the midterms back tomorrow is going to be a slaughterhouse."
"No. The exam was the slaughterhouse."
"Then tomorrow is just the meat packing."
~DeathMech, Some Student. P-town PHY 205
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