Grant wrote:
> I have good equipment and good methods for connecting to the internet
> via ethernet, wireless, or cell phone while travelling, and I'm also
> wondering about dial-up.  Does it work well on Gentoo?  Should a
> laptop's internal modem work, or would I be better off buying an
> external one?  Has anyone found dial-up to be a useful method of
> connection while travelling?
> - Grant

Well, I don't travel but dial-up is all I have here.  The biggest thing,
ask your ISP if they support Macs.  If they do, then most likely it will
work with Linux.  Some ISPs have Windoze only scripts or something.  I
have never had one but have read about people having trouble using them. 

I have used pon, poff, wvdial and Kppp.  They work well for me.  Kppp
may be the easiest but the others are good too.

I hope you get a better connection that I do.  It sucks here.  24K if I
am lucky and keep trying.  Just think OOo. 


:-)  :-) 

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