> What did you recompile?  There may still be a library using the "sse2" flag.
> Have you tried using the "--newuse" or "--reinstall changed-use" emerge flags?

Well, since all my problem were related to the use of ssh, i did a full:
emerge -e openssh
(took a 2 days on that super old pc, while shutdown for the night)

I tried doing an full update after:
emerge -uDN world
emerge --depclean

Then i tryied copying files through ssh and got same issue again.  I
also tried with a usb adapter, got the same issue.  Again, i remind i
tried transfering without ssh (ie using http or netcat) and it works
top shape.

I'm running memtest86 on that pc at the moment, i will look more into
the flags (i havent checked in the /etc/portage/packages.use, there
might be some sse in there too that i missed).
Since this pc is not connected to the net, i used to sync it through
ssh, so it has not been sync'ed in a while now...  i'll try to manage
to sync it (maybe tar /usr/portage and netcat that over, dunno...).

I'll post again with results of these last few checks later today... Thanks!

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