Alan McKinnon <> writes:


>> Logging my user out and back in I see the gid 15 now is wheel so the
>> same as solaris.
> When you do this, you only change the username attached to the gid. Remember 
> that the filesystem does not know or care what username you use, it only 
> knows 
> about gids. You now need to find every file group owned by man's old gid and 
> chown it to man's new gid. Put another way, the man groups files now appear 
> to 
> belong to the wheel group, and the wheel group's files are orphaned. This 
> ought to do it:

> - umount nfs shares
> - find / -gid 15 -exec chown :16 {} +;

Not many files have group man... mainly /var/cache/man/*

> - find / -gid 10 -exec chown :15 {} +;
> - mount nfs shares

I'm working on that... but that would only get to files NOT on the nfs
mount.  Far as on the nfs mount...where the `cp -a' problem is, the
numeric gids are the same on all machines now.


>> But with all that in place.... a copy using `-a' still causes the the
>> same error warning.
> Let's try something stupid :-)

> cp -a is a GNU extension IIRC, and Solaris userland does not support it. 
> Try cp -pr just for fun

The server is opensolaris.. which has lots of gnus tools... including
cp -a, but just making sure:

 cd /projects
 touch file
 cp -rp file file2
  cp: preserving permissions for `file2': Operation not supported

> Also, there's an ACL on that file (the +). What are those rules, determined 
> by 
> getfacl? It shouldn't make a difference as ACLs cannot take away a user's 
> permissions. But SELinux can ... offhand I cannot think of anything on 
> Solaris 
> that works similarly - anything ring a bell here about your nfs server?

getfacl doesn't show anything as an acl...
  getfacl file 
  # file: file
  # owner: reader
  # group: wheel

> What are your mount options on the client side, and the relevant line in 

I posted those already.. `noauto,users,exec,dev,suid'

> exports on the server side?

opensolaris running zfs filesystem doesn't use an exports list.

nfs exporting is done by using the: 

`zfs set sharenfs=on'  cmd on the desired member of a zfs filesystem.

I don't really know what the defaults are and not really sure how to
find out either.

I've run into something more serious in the course of investigating
about the nfs mount...  a reboot of gentoo has shown that I have no
keyboard or mouse once I turn X on.  

So the nfs stuff will have to wait.... its working well enough for me
to work on the mounted filesystem for now anyway.

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