On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 11:35 AM, Mike Mazur <mma...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,

> I have an nVidia card, and I can use the NVIDIA X Server Settings app
> to dynamically detect and configure displays I connect to my laptop.
> When I'm done with the configuration, I simply apply it, and keep on
> truckin' without having to restart X.

 I don't use xorg.conf in my notebook Lenovo T61, Intel 965GSM , xorg and
xfce ~x86, gentoo 2.6.30 with KMS, anymore.
  Both kernel and X switch to 1280x800 resolution automatically, xinerama is

> Doing this manually each time I connect/disconnect an external display
> can get tiresome. I can generate an xorg.conf for each setup I
> frequently use (ie: different monitors at work/home, no monitor on the
> go), but that means restarting X when the display configuration
> changes. This can be undesirable if I just want to move from my desk
> to the living room.

> I'd like to run a single command, passing it one of my xorg.conf files
> (for instance), and have my screens configured on-the-fly. I looked at
> the command-line options for nvidia-settings and nvidia-xconfig but
> they don't seem to do what I want. I also looked at XRandR but I'm not
> sure what's the best way forward.
> Does anyone have something like this already set up? What did you use?
> Will these nvidia tools do what I need or should I look to XRandR? How
> do I get started with setting up XRandR?

When I connect a external monitor, I just use this basic script to adjust my
external monitor to have a wide screen (VGA1)

xrandr --output LVDS1 --mode 1280x800
xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 1280x1024 --above LVDS1

To do this more useful, you can pass the resolution of VGA1 as a parameter.

To disable wide screen :

xrandr --output LVDS --mode 1280x800
xrandr --output VGA --mode 1024x1024 --same-as LVDS

> Thanks!
> Mike

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