When I try to send an email to a ucla.edu email address from my hosted
server, the message bounces and I'm directed to this page:


which says:

"The gateway disallows direct connections from residential broadband
systems, from other dynamically allocated IP addresses, or from hosts
with "generic" reverse DNS entries (ie, a variation of A-B-C-D.isp.com
for D.C.B.A)."

I do get this:

$ ping -c 1 mydomain.com
PING mydomain.com (m.y.i.p) 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from p.i.y.m.static.reverse.myhost.com (m.y.i.p): icmp_seq=1
ttl=49 time=1267 ms

Does anyone know how to fix this?

- Grant

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