On Sat, 2009-09-05 at 13:58 +0800, Xi Shen wrote:
> xen requires your cpu support hardware virtulization. and i only heard
> it support windows, but i do not know how well it supports.
Both statements are so very far from the truth:

Firstly, PV Xen guests require no hardware virtualization support, run
at near-native performance and require very little resources from the
host since it doesn't have to "emulate" hardware.  Secondly you can run
*many* PV-enabled OS's but not Windows.  Windows is actually one of the
guests that you can't run para-virtualized and for that you *do* need
virtualization support in the hardware.

> if you like vmware, why do not try vmware-server 2.0. it is in the
> overlay, and it works very well for me.

But what I don't understand is, why aren't people using
KVM/virt-manager*?   It's smaller and faster than VMWare Server, at
least the last time I used VMWare.  Since switching to KVM I haven't
looked back.

* KVM does require hardware virtualization support, but since 2006 I
haven't purchased a machine that *didn't* have support for it.

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