In <> (Stroller) writes:

>On 14 Sep 2009, at 16:27, Konstantinos Agouros wrote:
>> ...
>> AMD64, reiser, sata (3ware)... strange

>I  have had some weirdness recently with a 3ware 9500-S & 2.6.30- 
>gentoo-r4, but since you still haven't told us ANYTHING about the  
>problem you're encountering, it's a little difficult to help.
If You read the whole thread You would have seen, that I did. But for
You again:

file creation is not possible (eg touch foo) with the error message
'can not set times' (or similar, i had to fall back to 2.6.29 since
this is a production system).




Dipl-Inf. Konstantin Agouros aka Elwood Blues. Internet:
Altersheimerstr. 1, 81545 Muenchen, Germany. Tel +49 89 69370185
"Captain, this ship will not survive the forming of the cosmos." B'Elana Torres

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