On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 4:44 PM, Philip Webb <purs...@ca.inter.net> wrote:
> Konsole 4.3.1 -- very much dumbed down from 3.5.10 ;
>  big problem: it seems impossible to predetermine window size;
>  result: back to 3.5.10 & be prepared to use Xterm & Xfce's Terminal.

It saves its size properly for me.

For specifying a size (not restoring the last-used size), in KDE you
can specify extensive window placement and geometry profiles for
windows by right-clicking on the titlebar and choosing "Configure
window behavior...". I have no idea about Fluxbox.

> Okular 4.3.1 -- usable, but no noticeable improvement on Kpdf 3.5.10 .

Okular does so much more than Kpdf it's not even funny.

> Konqueror 4.3.1 -- no way to import bookmarks,

Completely false. In fact, Konqueror has more import options than any
other browser that I've ever seen! There are extensive "Import" and
"Export" menus in the bookmarks editor.

> Kmahjongg 4.3.1 -- my quick relax with my own layout & personal rules (grin);
>  no problem with my layout (simply copy it over),
>  but they've abolished the grid of removed tiles !
>  no, when i'm relaxing between more important things,
>  I don't want to exercise my memory on such trivia;
>  result: back to 3.5.10 .

According to a single google search for "kmahjongg removed tiles", the
primary author of Kmahjongg stated he removed that feature in 2006. I
guess you've just been using the old version the whole time and sounds
like you will continue to. :)

> Gwenview 4.3.1 -- yes, an improvement on the old independent Gwenview,
>  esp the tree menu, but also rendering of images + thumbnails.

I don't use it, but it seems to do its job. I prefer Geeqie because I
am more used to its keyboard navigation.

> Krusader 2.0.0 -- my choice for heavy lifting: no noticeable change.

I've never tried it.

> I won't comment on the aesthetics of the brave new KDE ...

It's different, but I like it. It has grown on me over time. KDE3
looks plain and old-fashioned now when I go back and see it.

> Does anyone know how to preset Konsole 4 window sizes for different uses ?

deja vu :)

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