On Wed, 2009-09-23 at 22:17 -0500, James Erickson wrote:
> today i installed two quad core Intel Xeon E5450's (Harpertown). i
> notice in /proc/cpuinfo i no longer have a vmx flag as i had with my
> previous Intel E5405's. i have also noticed that my /dev/kvm device is
> no longer created. VT is enabled in the bios. the data for the E5450's
> states that they have Intel Virtualization Technology. so why dont i
> have a /dev/kvm? have i spent all that money on processors that can't
> use kvm? can anyone shed some light on this issue for me? i am
> confused.
> James Erickson
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Wikipedia says you have VT:

In case this is because of modules problem:

You have to en/dis/able:
# CONFIG_KVM_INTEL is not set
# CONFIG_KVM_AMD is not set
# CONFIG_KVM_TRACE is not set

(Possibly reboot if compile is in wrong directory, or
check /usr/src/linux points to correct version.)

Then you emerge:
app-emulation/kvm-kmod (and app-emulation/kvm :)

It is now necessary to have CONFIG_KVM=m and the CPU-specifics OFF and
use the modules from app-emulation/kvm-kmod.

That results in:

Which seems strange, but works :)
(You load kvm-intel.ko which loads the correct kvm.ko)


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