On 09/28/2009 02:55 AM, James wrote:
Nikos Chantziaras<realnc<at>  arcor.de>  writes:

Check if your graphics card is actually fully supported by
ati-drivers-9.9; only HD2000/HD3000/HD4000 series cards are supported.

It an EAH4350 Silent. It worked fined  with the '8' series
of drivers.

    eselect opengl set ati
Also make sure that your /etc/X11/xorg.conf contains this:
    Section "DRI"
          Mode         0666

Always have these...

    emerge -a1 `qlist -IC x11-drivers/`
Yep did that too, but, I'll do this one more time, just to
make sure nothing was missed....

For what it's worth, I just installed bzflag here. I'm on AMD64, a
Radeon HD4870, ati-drivers-9.10 (renamed ebuild of ati-drivers-8.660,
which is a beta release of 9.10 released by Ubuntu, therefore the weird
version and mask in portage), gentoo-sources-2.6.31.

Most like the card is not supported. Where is the list of supported cards
for the 9 series of ati-drivers. Mine is a  EAH 4350 SILENT from

The 4350 is fully supported:


Can you try with some Live CD that loads the ati-drivers during live boot? I think Sabayon does this. If bzflag works there, then there's something wrong in the Gentoo installation.

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