Hi, I've been using fcron for quite some time, but now it behaves strange. I have version 3.0.4-r2 installed.
Doing fcrontab -e as non-root user I get Could not change egid to fcron[449]: Operation not permitted although I'm a member of group fcron. Furthermore /etc/fcron/fcron.allow has 'all' Even more strangely, do - as root - fcrontab -e USER it lets me create a file but on closing I get no fcrontab for jarausch - using an empty one 17:34:40 could not open file jarausch.orig.tmp: Permission denied 17:34:40 could not remove /tmp/fcr-z9FG5g: Operation not permitted So, I'm puzzled. Many thanks for some help, Helmut. -- Helmut Jarausch Lehrstuhl fuer Numerische Mathematik RWTH - Aachen University D 52056 Aachen, Germany