On Fri, Oct 02, 2009 at 11:40:33AM +0200, Sebastian Be?ler wrote:
> Am 02.10.2009 11:29, schrieb forgottenwizard:
> > <insert emacs user whining>
> > 
> > Thats an option, but seems to be a poor one. All that will do is let you
> > use either vi(m) or nano for the default, which for emacs users will be
> > no diffrent than the current problem.
> <joke>
> If you use emacs then you are to far away to be helped ;-)
> </joke>
At least 8 megs of RAM isn't a problem anymore.

> Then maybe a "custom_editor"-flag that inserts
> Defaults        env_keep += "EDITOR VISUAL PAGER"
> to /etc/sudoers
> With that even emacs users would be satisfied.
> Greetings
> Sebastian

Didn't the maintainer/dev that was dealing with the bug say that he
wouldn't do that because it was insecure?

That also doesn't fix the problem that sudo thinks that nano is a safe

How about a custom_editor flag, as you suggested, then an EDITOR
variable in make.conf? Thats the only way I could see being able to
solve this problem without invariably screwing someone. This would
provide a fairly sane default while giving the user the choice to use
something else.

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