Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> writes:

> Grant Edwards wrote:
>> <SNIP>
>>  and my brain just doesn't
>> work the way vi does.
> I'm with you Grant. Mine doesn't work that way either.

You guys do know that Bill Joy was lopsided drunk when he wrote the
bulk of vi ... right? (or so it is said by oldtimers)

Nobodys' brain works that way on purpose... You have to make it happen
with practice (or alcohol).  I should know... I've been practicing for
12 yrs and tried the alcohol technique before becoming a teetotaller
some time earlier, and still a very long ways from being an adept.  Or
even a competent for that matter.

But still compared to nano, even just the basic open file/ write to
file/ close file... is done better and easier from vi.

Someone mentioned being surprised to find nano the default in stage3.

I was surprised too.  My first gentoo installs were several yrs ago
now so I expect it now, but it did surprise me quite a bit that first
time. I'd already been through the grease with vi so could do basic
stuff well enough by that time.

However, all that said... it still isn't a big deal having nano there
at first ... Install disks are networked right off the bat these days,
so its not long before you can emerge vim or emacs, you don't have to
put up with nano for long.  

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