walt <w41...@gmail.com> writes:


>> Nifty, I didn't know that.  Amazing what mc can do.  Couple of points
> that are not obvious in case Harry wants to try mc:  it needs to be
> compiled with the samba USE flag set;  and you access your samba shares
> using the "Right" or "Left" dropdown menus at the top of the mc window.


I never liked mc even in the old days...  always preferring the cmd
line or emacs, But that aside yes it does work.  And just for your own
info you can cd around direct from the cmd line too... just need the
right syntax... and get prompted for a passwd.

 (cd /#smb:host/share)

But the interface is so far removed from a common shell prompt and
seems really crippled by comparison, that it would take more than a
little diddling around to get some real use out of it.  Appears not to
have cmd memory or readline type history at the cmd prompt... at least
not by default or with some reasonable key press.

Also it appears not to be able to execute commands on non-local fs. 

After cd'ing into a remote machine and being prompted for passwd... if
I type `ls' <enter> it brings up a red error saying 

Cannot execute commands on non-local filesystems.

Maybe all this can be configured away.... I don't think I want to mess
with it really... but yes it does have the capability.

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