Am 07.10.2009 15:40, schrieb James:

> do you  have the latest HAL version? 

I had the latest HAL version sys-apps/hal-0.5.13-r2
I run ~amd64

> Mine is 0.5.12_rc1-r8 with KDE4 and recently it was
> acting peculilar until the upgrade to 0.5.12_rc1-r8.

I downgraded to 0.5.12_rc1-r8 and now everything seems stable again.
To downgrade I had to add dev-libs/libvolume_id-0.81.1 ** to
package.keyword and install it because hal didn't emerge without it.
It seems to be a dependancy but it isn't pulled in by portage.


Sebastian Beßler

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