> I'm emergin system and world after a little while, maybe 4 months, I got
> directory does not exist /usr/lib/ccache/bin
> I search a bit, and it seems that ccache accelerate compiling.
> So it's seems to emerge anyway in a good way.
> What should I do to kinda make it better ? Just create that folder??

The short answer is to edit make.conf and create a new directory.  For
example, here is a copy from my make.conf of the relevant location
(sorry for the line numbers):

FEATURES="collision-protect sandbox ccache userpriv usersandbox buildpkg"
# features for the cowboy in you
#FEATURES="-collision-protect -protect-owned sandbox ccache"

You need to add the FEATURE ccache (don't worry about the rest of
mine, but you should have some FEATURES I hope!), define the
CCACHE_DIR & CCACHE_SIZE variables, and make sure the CCACHE_DIR is

For more information, you can check the gentoo wiki:

Personally, right above the FEATURES declaration in make.conf, I have
a stack of comments so I can remember what features are available and
remember how to use them:

# Notes of all possible FEATURES and the respective effects
#  'assume-digests'
#                when commiting work to cvs with repoman(1), assume that all
#                existing SRC_URI digests are correct.  This feature also
#                affects digest generation via ebuild(1) and emerge(1) (emerge
#                generates digests only when the 'digest' feature is enabled).
#  'autoaddcvs'  causes portage to automatically try to add files to cvs
#                that will have to be added later. Done at generation times
#                and only has an effect when 'cvs' is also set.
#  'buildpkg'    causes binary packages to be created of all packages that
#                are being merged.
#  'ccache'      enables ccache support via CC.
#  'confcache'   enable confcache support; speeds up autotool based configure
#                calls
#  'collision-protect'
#                prevents packages from overwriting files that are owned by
#                another package or by no package at all.
#  'cvs'         causes portage to enable all cvs features (commits, adds),
#                and to apply all USE flags in SRC_URI for digests -- for
#                developers only.
#  'digest'      autogenerate digests for packages when running the emerge(1)
#                command.  If the 'assume-digests' feature is also enabled then
#                existing SRC_URI digests will be reused whenever they are
#                available.
#  'distcc'      enables distcc support via CC.
#  'distlocks'   enables distfiles locking using fcntl or hardlinks. This
#                is enabled by default. Tools exist to help clean the locks
#                after crashes: /usr/lib/portage/bin/clean_locks.
#  'fixpackages' allows portage to fix binary packages that are stored in
#                PKGDIR. This can consume a lot of time. 'fixpackages' is
#                also a script that can be run at any given time to force
#                the same actions.
#  'gpg'         enables basic verification of Manifest files using gpg.
#                This features is UNDER DEVELOPMENT and reacts to features
#                of strict and severe. Heavy use of gpg sigs is coming.
#  'keeptemp'    prevents the clean phase from deleting the temp files ($T)
#                from a merge.
#  'keepwork'    prevents the clean phase from deleting the WORKDIR.
#  'test'        causes ebuilds to perform testing phases if they are capable
#                of it. Some packages support this automaticaly via makefiles.
#  'metadata-transfer'
#                automatically perform a metadata transfer when `emerge --sync`
#                is run.
#  'noauto'      causes ebuild to perform only the action requested and
#                not any other required actions like clean or unpack -- for
#                debugging purposes only.
#  'noclean'     prevents portage from removing the source and temporary files
#                after a merge -- for debugging purposes only.
#  'nostrip'     prevents the stripping of binaries.
#  'notitles'    disables xterm titlebar updates (which contain status info).
#  'parallel-fetch'
#                do fetching in parallel to compilation
#  'sandbox'     enables sandboxing when running emerge and ebuild.
#  'strict'      causes portage to react strongly to conditions that are
#                potentially dangerous, like missing/incorrect Manifest files.
#  'userfetch'   when portage is run as root, drop privileges to
#                portage:portage during the fetching of package sources.
#  'userpriv'    allows portage to drop root privileges while it is compiling,
#                as a security measure.  As a side effect this can remove
#                sandbox access violations for users.
#  'usersandbox' enables sandboxing while portage is running under userpriv.


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